Restore Mobility And Function With Tailored Hydrotherapy Treatment Programs For Your Situation

Restore Your Mobility And Function By Participating In Our Individually Tailored Hydrotherapy Treatment Programs

Individually Tailored Hydrotherapy Treatment Programs For Your Situation



Hydrotherapy (also known as aquatic exercise) is the use of water for therapy, rehabilitation, exercise, relaxation and more.

The decreased effects of gravity, combined with buoyancy, temperature and hydrostatic pressure, are used to enhance the physical ability of clients with a wide range of conditions. 

The aquatic environment we select for our clients are heated to be between 28 – 34 degrees celsius; to maximise mobility and physical function restoration.

Participating in one of our hydrotherapy treatment programs will help prepare you for being able to perform more physical activity on land safely, progressing your recovery faster.



Before you have your first session in the pool we will need to assess your current physical ability. This will help us to develop a structured program specifically for your situation.

Your Exercise Physiologist will meet you at the hydrotherapy facility, where you will perform your prescribed exercises.

We will continue to monitor your exercise performance during treatment sessions, providing feedback to help you improve.

NoteWe partner with pool facilities around Sydney that we have hand-picked, meeting specific hydrotherapy criteria.

To locate a hydrotherapy facility near you, use our facility finder on our locations page. 

Hydrotherapy For Injury Rehabilitation

Hydrotherapy Treatment
For Injury Rehabilitation

Why Do You Need Hydrotherapy?

Why Do You Need Hydrotherapy Treatment?

Musculoskeletal injuries can be easily aggravated with simple weight bearing activities like standing or walking, due to the effect of gravity.

So we reduce the risk of you aggravating your injury, by starting you in the pool where you are able to safely improve functional characteristics such as mobility, flexibility, stability and balance.

Our goal with hydrotherapy is to facilitate the functional improvements necessary to progress you safely to participate in land based Exercise Physiology treatment. 

This is ultimately where the serious changes in strength and physical function can be achieved; and the reason why Hydrotherapy treatment should have this simple goal…

We do not live in the water, we live on land!

So the functional improvements that are achieved in the hydrotherapy pool needs to be transferred to land for sustainable recovery.

When To Start Hydrotherapy Treatment?

When Should You Start Hydrotherapy Treatment?

  • If you have mobility issues that prevent you from moving freely WITHOUT pain

  • If you are STILL having passive forms of treatment after 6-8 weeks without any significant improvement (i.e. physiotherapy, massage or chiropractic treatment).

  • If you feel physically de-conditioned and/or your injury rehabilitation has stalled

  • If you are experiencing joint pain that limits your range of movement

Treating Other Conditions

Other Health Conditions​

What Other Conditions Can Benefit From Hydrotherapy Treatment?

What Other Conditions Can Benefit From Hydrotherapy Treatment?

Hydrotherapy treatment are very effective in the management of a wide range of chronic, complex and lifestyle based health conditions, that goes far beyond the treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries:

  • Mobility issues and joint pain
  • Pre-surgical strengthening of muscles
  • Post-operative rehabilitation 
  • Orthopaedic conditions
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Arthritis and related Rheumatic complaints
  • Osteoporosis
  • Mental health conditions
  • Neurological conditions
  • Balance problems
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic pain
  • Obesity
  • Stroke

Hydrotherapy Can Assist Your Pain

Hydrotherapy Treatment Can Assist Your Pain

As health professionals, we utilise specific techniques that allow us to sight visual cues and behaviours that are key indicators of pain. We draw upon experiences of working with hundreds of other clients (with situations similar to yours) to assist your recovery. 

We understand that you are the one experiencing pain symptoms, not us. As we are only with you for the short duration of the treatment session, your pain symptoms may sometimes, continue long after the session is completed. 

However with your ongoing treatment, the frequency and duration that pain episodes occur, is expected to decrease.

Unfortunately we’ve heard some horror stories from clients before coming to us, who had been pushed well beyond their physical limitations and pain thresholds with the treating therapist citing a “no pain, no gain” mentality.

This approach in most cases will aggravate injury and can delay client recovery, in some cases for more than six months.

This is NOT the way that treatment should be delivered for clients with musculoskeletal injuries, or other health conditions; and it is not an approach we take in our business. 

Our philosophy is about achieving long term lifestyle improvement goals, based on prescribing exercises for where you are currently at and upgrading you to subsequent levels, as you are capable of doing so.   

As health professionals, we utilise specific techniques to allow us to sight visual cues and behaviours that are key indicators of pain. We draw upon experiences of working with hundreds of other clients (with situations similar to yours) to assist your recovery. 

We understand that you are the one experiencing pain symptoms, not us. As we are only with you for the short duration of the treatment session, your pain symptoms may sometimes, continue long after the session is completed. 

However with your ongoing treatment, the frequency and duration that pain episodes occur, is expected to decrease.

Unfortunately we’ve heard some horror stories from clients before coming to us, who had been pushed well beyond their physical limitations and pain thresholds with the treating therapist citing a “no pain, no gain” mentality.

This approach in most cases will aggravate injury and can delay client recovery, in some cases for more than six months.

This is NOT the way that treatment should be delivered for clients with musculoskeletal injuries, or other health conditions; and it is not an approach we take in our business. 

Our philosophy is about achieving long term lifestyle improvement goals, based on prescribing exercises for where you are currently at and upgrading you to subsequent levels, as you are capable of doing so.   

“I was impressed with how kind and patient my Exercise Physiologist was with me and that they actually respected my pain tolerance by not
pushing me beyond what I was capable of at the time.”

Samantha Patterson | Hydrotherapy client

“I was really impressed with the kindness and patience shown by my Exercise Physiologist and that they actually respected my pain tolerances by not pushing me beyond what I was actually capable of at the time.”

Samantha Patterson
Hydrotherapy client

Book Your Initial Appointment

Make an appointment for an initial hydrotherapy consultation at your preferred time, providing any relevant medical information that may assist your EP.

Attend Supervised Treatment Sessions

Attend supervised sessions with your Exercise Physiologist who will demonstrate your prescribed exercises that you will perform in the hydrotherapy pool.

Safely Complete Your Prescribed Exercises

Your Exercise Physiologist will give you prescribed exercises for you to perform independently before your next supervised hydrotherapy session.

Book Your Appointment

Schedule an initial consultation at your preferred time and provide any relevant medical information.

Attend Your Appointments

Attend supervised hydrotherapy sessions with your EP at the pool to perform your prescribed exercises.

Perform Your Exercises

Between supervised hydrotherapy sessions complete prescribed exercises to continue your progress.